Monday, April 26, 2010

C-Rations: 0C101111

This week’s offering is a Cantaloupe.

“Already Married” 6" x 5" Pealed Cantaloupe.

Cucurbit C says:

While it is welcomed and amazing that traditional summer fruits are available all year round, it concerns me about the sustainability of this practice. I heard a report this week on the economic impact of the volcanic eruption in Iceland, and the millions of dollars of food that rotted in Africa because they were unable to deliver the produce to Europe by air. My thoughts this week are with the ever shrinking world and the impact of events on it’s populations. My thoughts also turn to the chemicals that allow for greater crop yields through pesticides and fertilizers, the social and economic impact on the local labor employed to tend and harvest those crops, and the natural resources used to get this product to market thousands of miles away from its source.

Remember each Monday during the 3.0 year I am posting an original skull design. My weekly offerings are nothing compared to the one-a-day massive project done by the Skullmaster in 1.0, but hopefully you will find some nourishment in these weekly offerings.

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